Table of Contents


A drivetrain is an essential component of a robot, responsible for its movement on the field. It's crucial to understand the different types of drivetrains and their advantages and disadvantages to make informed decisions for your robot design.

Main Types of Drivetrain

West Coast Drive (WCD)

The West Coast Drive is characterized by having six wheels, three on either side, with the center wheels being lower than the front and rear wheels.



Mecanum/Holonomic Drive

A Mecanum or Holonomic Drivetrain is a drivetrain with four independently powered Mecanum Wheels. This allows for translational (side to side) movement with minimal complexity.



Swerve Drive

Swerve drive is a drivetrain with four independently powered wheel, but as opposed to other systems, each of these wheels can rotate independently to each other. This allows for extreme maneuverability and control without the reduced grip of a Mecanum drivetrain would have.

