====== Shooters ====== A shooter is a mechanism that shoots a game piece from the robot into/at some sort of target. {{mech:greytshooter.92_1200x1200.png?350|WCP Greyt Shooter}} ==== Important Design Considerations ==== * The shooter itself should probably just be adapted from previous games/our shooter CAD design repository * Important Things To Test/Decide For Each Game - Compression (How much the ball is squeezed when being pushed through the shooter) - Compliant Wheel Diameter (The diameters of the Compliant Wheels that fire the ball) - Hood Length (The hood keeps the ball in contact with the wheel, this defines how long the hood is) - Wheel RPM (The speed at which the wheels that shoot the ball rotate) * **THESE VARIABLES SHOULD BE TESTED BEFORE THE FINAL DESIGN** * The shooter itself is limited by the indexer (The thing that brings the balls to the shooter) * If the speed or position of the ball isn't consistent as it's b, the shooter won't be consistent either ==== COTS Options ==== * [[https://wcproducts.com/products/greyt-shooter-7|WCP Greyt Shooter]] ==== Resources ==== === Design === * [[http://everycalc.thadhughes.xyz/hooded_launcher|Hooded Shooter Parameter Estimator]] * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JoI23K8FdN7SHmQbGsAp9UTDt4Lg8a_nhewXrhBQX1w/edit?usp=sharing|Google Doc On Important Shooter Design Factors]] === Learning === * [[https://www.chiefdelphi.com/t/design-shooter/388925|Chief Delphi Thread On Shooter Design]]