//Not to be confused with the physical **driver station**, which contains the code laptop, controller, various joysticks, jamboard, etc.// From WPILib: "The FRC Driver Station software serves as the interface between the human operators and the robot. The software takes input from a number of sources and forwards it to the robot where the robot code can act on it to control mechanisms." More information can be found [[https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/3120/m/7912/l/133045-driver-station-input-overview|here]]. ====== Tele-operation Quickstart ====== - Turn on code laptop\\ {{:control:docs:code-laptop.webp?200}} - Turn on robot (power switch) - Connect to robot Wifi: “[string]_1452” - Open "FRC Driver Station" application\\ {{:control:docs:ds-icon.png}} - Select "TeleOperated" from GUI and click "Enable" to drive\\ {{:control:ds-gui.png?200}}